Parallel-Tempered Feature Allocation for Large-Scale Tumor Heterogeneity with Deep Sequencing Data


We develop a parallel-tempered feature allocation algorithm to infer tumor heterogeneity from deep DNA sequencing data. The feature allocation model is based on a binomial likelihood and an Indian Buffet process prior on the latent haplotypes. A variation of parallel tempering technique is introduced to flatten peaked local modes of the posterior distribution and yields a more efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Simulation studies pro- vide empirical evidence that the proposed method is superior to competing methods at a high read depth. In our application to Glioblastoma multiforme data, we found several distinctive haplotypes that indicate the presence of multiple subclones in the tumor sample.

In Liu R., Tsong Y. (eds) Pharmaceutical Statistics. MBSW 2016. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 218. Springer, Cham